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Carlos Via

Carlos Via1

Employer Relations Assistant

BS, Psychology, St. Mary’s College of California

How did you get here?
My journey is shaped by diverse experiences in professional development, mentoring, client relations, people operations, and team management, all garnered in a high school setting. Now, in my role at Berkeley Career Engagement, I am eager to leverage this background to support both undergraduate and graduate students in their professional growth.

Who do you work with? What’s cool about your job?
Facilitating connections between employers and students at Berkeley Career Engagement is exhilarating, allowing me to play a role in the success of both students and employers.

What’s the best career advice anyone has given you?
“Embrace continuous learning and adaptability” – a philosophy that has fueled my personal and career growth, and one I share with those I work with.

Beyond work, I find joy in hiking and exploring new destinations and restaurants.