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Career Services

Berkeley Career Engagement offers career development workshops for graduate students and PhDs. Career counseling is also available for individual assistance. Make an appointment with a career educator for help with identifying career options, job search strategies, mock interviews, and resume writing.

Online Career Inventories

American Chemical Society’s Career Planning Tool

Career Navigator and Quizzes – Take a battery of free career inventories, examining abilities, work values, and Preferences (data, people, things) courtesy of the Canadian government.

ImaginePhD – A free online career exploration and planning tool for PhD students and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences.

My Next Move – Explore career options through this free resource from the US Department of Labor.

Versatile PhD – A free, online resource for graduate students, postdoctoral scholars and PhD alumni in humanities, and social sciences who seek career paths beyond the professoriate.


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