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Ricardo Flores (he/him)

Assistant Director for Students with Disabilities

M.S. Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling, Texas Tech University
B.A. History, Texas A&M University

How did you get here?
I followed my independent consulting work to the West Coast in the summer of 2016– providing disability awareness, diversity and inclusion trainings, and pre-employment transition project management services for Google, Airbnb, and the LightHouse for the Blind in San Francisco. I worked in the education system early in my employment career, and I missed the interaction with students. I wanted to utilize my degree in connecting actual individuals with disabilities to careers.

What’s cool about your job?
I get to take part in closing the achievement gap within unemployment in the disabled community.
What’s the best career advice anyone has given you?
My father constantly quotes Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

– I play guitar, write songs, and sing. I used to play in an Austin Texas band called Constellation Prize — give us a spin on most streaming platforms.
– I play Beep Baseball — the adapted sport for the blind of America’s favorite pastime;
– Mentor blind youth, fantasy football, and pizza enthusiast!