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There are 23 optometry schools that utilize the Optometry Centralized Application System (OptomCAS). You can see which schools in the ASCO Directory of Schools and Colleges.

It is most important that you research the schools you are in which you are interested for their pre-optometry requirements. 

UC Berkeley courses that most students use to fulfill requirements

General (Inorganic) Chemistry, 2 semesters of general chemistry with lab

  • Chemistry 1A/1AL and
  • Chemistry 1B

Organic Chemistry, 1 semester

  • Chemistry 3A

Biochemistry, 1 Semester of Lecture (lab preferred)

  • MCB 102 (or equivalent)

Biology, most schools require 2 semesters with lab

Bio 1B and Bio 1A/1AL

Immunology, most schools require 1 semester 

  • MCB 150 (Berkeley does not require Immunology)

Human Anatomy, 1 semester lecture required (lab strongly preferred)

  • IB 131/131L (only offered in the fall semester)

Human Physiology, 1 semester lecture required (lab strongly preferred)

  • IB 132/132L Human Physiology and Human Physiology Laboratory,

Physics, 2 semesters with lab – any of the following combination:

  • Physics 8A, 8B
  • Physics 7A, 7B
  • Physics 7A, 8B

Microbiology, 1 semester with lab

  • MCB C112/L or Public Health 162 (offered Summer and Fall)

Mathematics, 1 semester Calculus and 1 semester Statistics

  • Math 1A or Math 16A  AND
  • Stat 2 or Stat 131A or Public Health 142 

English, 2 semesters

Courses that satisfy the Reading and Composition requirement at Berkeley will fulfill the English coursework requirements for most optometry schools.

Psychology, 1 semester

  • Psych 1 or 
  • Psych 2