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Sponsorship, Branding and Volunteer Opportunities

Put your organization in the spotlight while supporting programming and new initiatives for our students! Providing financial resources allows your organization to support activities that benefit Cal students. Here are some ways to get involved:

  • Join our Berkeley Circle partner program and increase your branding and presence on campus. 
  • Review our many sponsorship and branding opportunities on this form.
  • Volunteer to participate in networking events, career panels, annual conferences and summits, and career education workshops. Fill out the volunteer form to confirm your interest.

Internship Partnerships

Berkeley Career Engagement (BCE) is a great place to recruit interns! If you wish to develop a new internship program or strengthen an existing one, we can support you with that too by providing resources and one-one-consultations. However, The University of California at Berkeley does not enter into formal internship partnerships with employers or sign internship liability waivers or contracts of any kind. BCE does not create and/or manage internship programs for, or in partnership with, employers. Reach out to us today.