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Karen Lin

Karen Lin

Assistant Director for Business

M.A., Higher Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
B.A., English, Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics, China

How did you get here?
I started my career as an admissions consultant, working with college students and working professionals with their applications to Master’s/MBA programs of top business schools in the U.S. After eight years, I switched my career to higher education and found my skill set a good fit with career development. Before Cal, I worked at UC Santa Cruz for about two years.

Who do you work with? What’s cool about your job?
I work with students from the Haas School of Business. It’s been a rewarding journey exploring new directions in business careers influenced by the technology, pandemic and evolving real-world needs.

What’s the best career advice anyone has given you?
Career management is not linear. There’s going to be a lot of zigzags and changes getting through. And sometimes getting to one’s goal is not immediate. Be patient.

Cycling, playing acoustic guitar, and searching for Instagrammable food.