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Research the pre-pharmacy requirements of the schools that interest you.
The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy maintains the Pharmacy School Admissions Requirement (PSAR) which provides the admission requirements by individual schools and detailed information of each school.

UC Berkeley courses that most students use to fulfill requirements

General Chemistry, 2 semesters of general chemistry with lab

  • Chem 1A/1AL and Chem 1B
    Chem 4A and 4B (chemistry majors)
  • All pharmacy programs require one full year of general chemistry

Organic Chemistry, 2 semesters of organic chemistry with lab

  • Chemistry 3A/AL and 3B/BL
    Chemistry 12A and 12B (chemistry majors)

Biology, 2 semesters with lab

  • Bio 1B, 1A/1AL

Physiology (mammalian), 1 semester

  • MCB 32/32L or IB 132/132L

Physics, 1-2 semesters w/lab (thermodynamics & electromagnetism)

  • Physics 8A, 8B or Physics 7A, 7B

Microbiology, 1 semester with lab, some schools require 2

  • MCB C112/112
  • Public Health 162

Biochemistry, 1 semester

  • MCB 102 or MCB C100A/Chem C130 or Chem 135

Mathematics/Statistics, 1-2 semesters and some require 1 semester of stats

  • Math 1A/1B, Math 10A/B, Math 16A/B
  • Stats: 2, 20, Public Health 142

English, 2 semesters

  • R&C courses will fulfill English coursework requirements for most pharmacy schools.

Economics, 1 semester.

  • Econ 1 or Econ 2

Speech/Public Speaking, 1 semester.

  • Currently not offered at Berkeley

Humanities, Social & Behavioral Science, 1 semester of an introductory course, some schools require 2.

  • Psych 1 (for majors) or Psych 2 (for non majors) and Soc. 1